Monday, July 29, 2013

fangirlingbiz BEST OF: Teen Wolf - Visionary

There is a new episode of MTV's Teen Wolf tonight at 9 cst. WHO'S EXCITED?!

I can see you all jumping up and down and waving in excitement...SO AWESOME! Also, who gets a little confused from time to time (or all the time)?! This fangirl does. No worries though, I have what you need to clear up all confusion. If you have about 25 minutes (I know you do) to watch/read the following you will be the one explaining what's up to everyone on twitter and tumblr. Go you!

First up is MTV's recap of episode 8: Visionary.

Also watch the behind the scenes video for Visionary. The young Derek actor, Ian, is so cute! I loved it when he says something about being cute enough to play young Derek (yes, Ian, you have to be hot to work on Teen Wolf).

Next up in your journey to understanding is a fan recap and review. Victoria Kennedy, owner of the Novel Reality blog, does an excellent job recapping the episode.  Don't forget to subscribe while you are there. You won't regret it. I watch it every week!

I bet by now you have a pretty good understanding of what's going on...well of the information we have been given anyway. Now you MUST read Price Peterson's photo recap for Visionary, or as he calls it, Teen Wolf "Visionary" Review: Ex-men Origins. His recaps are not only informational, but also hilarious!!!

You're almost finished wolfies. Jeff Davis was kind enough to answer questions on the MTV Teen Wolf tumblr yesterday. There were some GOOD questions! (Also, a lot of not good questions, but you can skip over those.)

The final thing you need to do to get ready for tonight is watch the sneak peak for episode 9 -  The Girl Who Knew Too Much

That's it wolfies! Go share your knowledge on your favorite social media and be looked to as a Teen Wolf guru!

Did you like your Teen Wolf crash course to clear up the confusion? Please let me know in the comments what you would like to see in posts like this. I'll see you back here next MOONday!